Morrowind how to enchant
Morrowind how to enchant

They go into Grand Soul Gems they look like fat gold coins. Golden Saints are (usually) the only ones you can use for 'constant' effects. What item do you use it on? How long? What effects do you want it to do? Now you get a screen that looks like the spell making one. Drag the charged gem onto your paper doll and you should get something like: Recharge Item/Create Item It's soul should go into a soul gem you have in your inventory.

morrowind how to enchant

Kill it within the time of the spell length (30 sec.

morrowind how to enchant morrowind how to enchant

'exquisite' (works best) clothing or jewelryĬast the spell Soul Trap on a creature. Enchanting items yourself or using enchanted items? I'm assuming the former.

Morrowind how to enchant